The Israeli Anti-Attack-Iran Brigade Speaks Out—Why the Former Mossad Chiefs Are Right - The Daily Beast

These past few days, the previous two chiefs of Israel's famous secret intelligence service, the Mossad, have separately come out publicly, warning against a military strike by Israel on Iran's nuclear facilities. This revolt of the Mossadniks is a powerful statement both Israelis and Americans need to listen to, and a good sign that Israeli democracy is alive and thoughtful despite the tremors and tensions of the Arab awakening.

Meir Dagan and Ephraim Halevy are very different men in many ways, but they share a passionate love of country and a dispassionate commitment to honesty in speaking truth to power. Both have warned against attacking Iran before, but now their warnings have new urgency, as the International Atomic Energy Agency reports Iran is getting closer to having a capability to make bombs with the help of Pakistani, North Korean, and Russian scientists. Neither man is naive; both know Iran is a dangerous state, which supports terror and hates Israel. They know Iran better than most, in fact, having sent agents into danger to spy on it and devoting years to studying its clandestine activity. They are masters of the espionage craft, worth listening to in detail.

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