Simon Shack, obf and the 9/11 “September Clueless” distractors

Of all the positions that have been taken about 9/11, which range from the “official” collapse theory to the use of nanothermite to conventional explosives to DEWs, nukes mini or large, from a purely philosophical point of view, perhaps the most extreme is that adopted by Simon Shack (SS) and his followers, including onebornfree (obf), who claim that all the footage of the destruction sequence in New York City is fake and unreliable.

This is striking because that footage has virtually universally been regarded as some of the most important evidence about what actually happened there on 9/11.

Since the Twin Towers are shown blowing apart in every direction from the top down, for example, while being converted into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust, it serves as the foundation for one line of argument that demonstrated the “official” account cannot possibly be true, since the Twin Towers are not undergoing any kind of collapse.

If all of the videos had been faked, one might have expected they would show the towers collapsing, not blowing apart in every direction. And this is not the most bizarre of their positions.

Here is a sample of the kinds of visual studies that support the conversion of the towers into dust:...


September Clues (Full):

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